Monitor last time any object was accessed in SAP SYBASE IQ There is a way to find out the last time an object (table/view/st proc) was accessed by an application in IQ. You enable it, then can run reports against the data over time on things like table and index use, tables and indexes not used, etc. sp_iqworkmon Procedure It Controls collection of workload monitor usage information, and reports monitoring collection status. sp_iqworkmon collects information for all SQL statements. Note: Usage is collected only for SQL statements containing a FROM clause; for example, SELECT , UPDATE , and DELETE . See also * sp_iqcolumnuse * sp_iqindexadvice * sp_iqindexuse * sp_iqtableuse * sp_iqunusedcolumn * sp_iqunusedindex * sp_iqunusedtable
Showing posts from August, 2017
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SAP Sybase IQ Sysmon - System Performance Analysis IQ Utility Sybase IQ's sysmon procedure produces a log file declare local temporary table dummy_monitor_debug (dummy_column integer); declare local temporary table dummy_monitor1_debug (dummy_column integer); set temporary option Monitor_Output_Directory = "/gpfs/jio/ingest/LOAD_STATISTICS_14092014"; iq utilities main into dummy_monitor_debug start monitor '-debug -interval 10 -file_suffix main'; iq utilities private into dummy_monitor1_debug start monitor '-debug -interval 10 -file_suffix temp'; OR set option Monitor_Output_Directory = " /gpfs/jio/ingest/LOAD_STATISTICS_14092014 " go sp_iqsysmon start_monitor, filemode,'-interval 120 -file_suffix sysmon.2017_May6' go commit go waitfor delay '00:59:00' commit go sp_iqsysmon stop_monitor go ...
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SAP SYBASE IQ Index Advisor sp_iqindexadvice Procedure Displays stored index advice messages. Optionally clears advice storage. SQL> select * from sa_conn_options() where OptionName like '%Index_Adv%' and number=connection_property ('Number') Enable Index Advisor in IQ DB Option1: 1. SET OPTION index_advisor = 'ON'; 2. SET OPTION index_advisor_max_rows = 100; 3. commit; 4. <query to be analyzed>; 5. call sp_iqindexadvice (); Option2: 1. set temporary option INDEX_ADVISOR = on; 2. set temporary option INDEX_ADVISOR_MAX_ROWS = 20; 3. commit; 4. -- sql statements 5. ...
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SAP SYBASE IQ Diagnostics and Hang Analysis IQ Diagnostics and Analysis for Hung Server 1) Symptoms Some of the symptoms, that could lead you (or users) to think that IQ server is hung are : - No new connections can be made to the server either from the same host machine or different host machine over TCP/IP network. - No tasks seems to be working and there is no new messages seen in the IQ server log (.iqmsg file), if no existing connections doing work. - The messages appear to be sparse in .iqmsg file, no task how-ever simple, does appear to get completed in a timely manner. - Catalog .db and .log time not getting updated on any IQ nodes. - Hardware bottleneck – IO stuck 2) IQ Diagnostics checklist Collect and analyzethe following diagnostic information for all IQ problems and/or symptoms - Know clear problem description and/or exact error message. - Has a...
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SAP SYBASE IQ Partitioned Tables This section help find list of Partitioned tables in IQ List of all the Partitioned tables in IQ SQL1> select b.table_name,b.table_type,a.create_time,a.update_time,z.dbspace_name from sysiqtable a, systable b, sysfile z where z.file_id=b.file_id and a.table_id=b.table_id and a.table_id in (select distinct table_id from syspartitions) Details of particular table which is partitioned SQL2> select partition_id,partition_values,partition_name from syspartitions where table_id in (select table_id from systable where table_name=' <table_name> ')
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SAP Sybase IQ Index Fragmentation This section show the fragmentation on indexes of a table in IQ: (SQL: sp_iqindexfragmentation ('table <owner.table>') )” , this Stored procedure can be used to check the index fragmentation. Stored procedure reports information about the percentage of page space taken up within the B-trees, garrays, and bitmap structures in Sybase IQ indexes. Note: All percentages are truncated to the nearest percentage point. HG indexes also display the value of option GARRAY_FILL_FACTOR_PERCENT . Index types that use a B-tree also display the number of node (nonleaf) pages. These are HG , LF , WD , DATE , and DTTM . For garrays, the fill percentage calculation does not take into account the reserved space within the garray groups, which is controlled by the GARRAY_FILL_FACTOR_PERCENT option. It specifies the percent of space on each HG garray pages to reserve for future incremental inserts into existing groups. The garray t...
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Enable and Disable Trace in SAP Sybase IQ database Enable Trace in IQ DB 1. Check the table meta info in dbisql: sp_iqobjectinfo [owner],[table_name]; 2. Enable SQL or Query Plan generator – On the load target IQ server – run these commands with DBA: create a temp folder to save trace and logs: mkdir /tmp/log_iqload SQL Trace: in dbisql: call sa_server_option('request_level_logging', 'SQL'); call sa_server_option('request_level_log_file','/tmp/log_iqload/sqltrace.log'); Query plan: in dbisql: set option query_plan='on'; set option query_detail='on'; set option query_plan_as_html = 'on'; set option dml_options10='on'; set option query_plan_after_run='on'; set option query_name ='load_plan...