Monitor last time any object was accessed in SAP SYBASE IQ

There is a way to find out the last time an object (table/view/st proc) was accessed by an application in IQ.

You enable it, then can run reports against the data over time on things like table and index use, tables and indexes not used, etc.
sp_iqworkmon Procedure

It Controls collection of workload monitor usage information, and reports monitoring collection status.
sp_iqworkmon collects information for all SQL statements.

Note: Usage is collected only for SQL statements containing a FROM clause; for example, SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE.


See also
* sp_iqcolumnuse
* sp_iqindexadvice
* sp_iqindexuse
* sp_iqtableuse
* sp_iqunusedcolumn
* sp_iqunusedindex
* sp_iqunusedtable


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