SAP Sybase IQ Sysmon - System Performance Analysis

IQ Utility

Sybase IQ's sysmon procedure produces a log file

declare local temporary table dummy_monitor_debug (dummy_column integer);
declare local temporary table dummy_monitor1_debug (dummy_column integer);
set temporary option Monitor_Output_Directory = "/gpfs/jio/ingest/LOAD_STATISTICS_14092014";
iq utilities main into dummy_monitor_debug start monitor '-debug -interval 10 -file_suffix main';
iq utilities private into dummy_monitor1_debug start monitor '-debug -interval 10 -file_suffix temp';


set option Monitor_Output_Directory = "/gpfs/jio/ingest/LOAD_STATISTICS_14092014"
 sp_iqsysmon start_monitor, filemode,'-interval 120 -file_suffix sysmon.2017_May6'
 waitfor delay '00:59:00'
 sp_iqsysmon stop_monitor



Below is a handy script for processing the sysmon output. It filters the data, and shows recommended levels/benchmarks.




# sysmon log file analyzer







if ! test -f $fname; then

  echo "Error: file $fname not found."






echo "============================================================================="

echo "IQ Sysmon Log Analyzer"

echo "============================================================================="

sleep 2



echo "Threads: Free vs Reserved               Benchmark: ThrNumFree > ThrReserved"

echo " "; echo " "; sleep 2


egrep 'Thr'  $fname  | egrep 'Free|Reserved'  | head -25


echo "============================================================================="; sleep 3

echo "Press enter to continue."

read sel1



echo "Pinned Buffers                          Benchmark: Pinned < 90%"

echo " "; echo " "; sleep 2


egrep 'Pool|Pin'  $fname | head -25


echo "============================================================================="; sleep 3

echo "Press enter to continue."

read sel1





echo "Buffers in Use %                        Benchmark: ~= 100%"

echo " "; echo " "; sleep 2


egrep 'Pool|InUse'  $fname  | head -25


echo "============================================================================="; sleep 3

echo "Press enter to continue."

read sel1



echo "CPU Time                                Benchmark: CPU Sys < 20%"

echo " "; echo " "; sleep 2


grep 'CPU Sys'  $fname | head -25


echo "============================================================================="; sleep 3

echo "Press enter to continue."

read sel1



echo "LRU Waits                   Benchmark: < 20%"

echo " "; echo " "; sleep 2


grep 'LRUNumTime'  $fname  | head -25


echo "============================================================================="; sleep 3

echo "Press enter to continue."

read sel1



cho "Buffer Busy Waits               Benchmark: ~= 0"

echo " "; echo " "; sleep 2


egrep 'Manager|BusyWaits'  $fname | egrep -v 'Memory|Transaction|Thread|fetch' | head -25


echo "============================================================================="; sleep 3

echo "Press enter to continue."

read sel1



echo "Grabbed Dirty                       Benchmark: ~=0"

echo " "; echo " "; sleep 2


egrep -i 'grabbeddirty'  $fname | head -25


echo "============================================================================="; sleep 3

echo "Press enter to continue."

read sel1



echo "HR% - Cache Hit Rate                Benchmark: Hit% > 90%"

echo " "; echo " "; sleep 2


egrep -i 'hit%'  $fname | head -25


echo "============================================================================="



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